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Go channels

For communication, synchronization between goroutines.

What happens when create a channel

// Buffered channel
ch := make(chan int, 3)
// UnBuffered channel
ch := make(chan int)

Allocate an hchan struct on the heap returns a pointer of it


Sends and receives

What happens when sending data to channel

  1. Acquire the lock
  2. Enqueue (A memory copy)
  3. Release the lock

What happens when receiving data from channel

  1. Aquire the lock
  2. Dequeue (A memory copy)
  3. Release the lock

Making a memory copy makes the goroutine memory safe. (No shared memory except for hchan)


If there are waiting receivers

if sg := c.recvq.dequeue(); sg != nil {
    // Found a waiting receiver. We pass the value we want to send
    // directly to the receiver, bypassing the channel buffer (if any).
    send(c, sg, ep, func() { unlock(&c.lock) }, 3)
    return true

If there are no waiting receivers

What happens when buffer is not full

Enqueue the value into buffer

if c.qcount < c.dataqsiz {
    // Space is available in the channel buffer. Enqueue the element to send.
    qp := chanbuf(c, c.sendx)
    if raceenabled {
    typedmemmove(c.elemtype, qp, ep)
    if c.sendx == c.dataqsiz {
        c.sendx = 0
    return true
What happens when buffer is full


gp := getg()
mysg := acquireSudog()
mysg.releasetime = 0
if t0 != 0 {
    mysg.releasetime = -1
// No stack splits between assigning elem and enqueuing mysg
// on gp.waiting where copystack can find it.
mysg.elem = ep
mysg.waitlink = nil
mysg.g = gp
mysg.isSelect = false
mysg.c = c
gp.waiting = mysg
gp.param = nil


The goroutine is blocked, but no OS thread, so that OS thread can still process other goroutines


If there are waiting senders

if sg := c.sendq.dequeue(); sg != nil {
    // Found a waiting sender. If buffer is size 0, receive value
    // directly from sender. Otherwise, receive from head of queue
    // and add sender's value to the tail of the queue (both map to
    // the same buffer slot because the queue is full).
    recv(c, sg, ep, func() { unlock(&c.lock) }, 3)
    return true, true


If there are no waiting senders