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How to handle concurrent write

In distributed system, concurrent writes to the same data are quite often. We want to handle it properly to fullfil the following requirements:

Single Machine


Last write wins

The last write to the database is treated as the latest data. So no matter who reaches database will overwrite the value.

How could we improve to make the data stored in system reflects user desired change ? In another word, we do not want to lost user input, so Last write wins does not fit any more.

Involve version for each write

Server tracks an increment only version number, so concurrent write requests could be easily detected if the incoming request has the version smaller than the one server expects.

Reject the write which version is smaller than server expect


If we reject the write request which has smaller version number, client knows there is a write conflict and could retry the writes. By doing this, all three properties above are fulfilled.

Accept the write which version is smaller than server expect, but track the conflicts and let client to solve it


For shopping cart app, the concurrent writes could be solved as below:


By doing this, we are not only returning the latest written data, but also returnning other versions with the conflicts, and let client code to merge the conflicts.

Multiple Machines

If we want to garantee the strict consistency, we have to direct write and read requests to the same nodes/partition.

Leader based


Version vector


The version based solution mentioned above might not work in leaderless case where all nodes could take write requests. If letting each node to have its own copy of the version, it is hard to make all versions among nodes consistent. If we have a central versionning system, should this kind of system distributed or single machine based ? So we are going to have a different solution for this - version vector.

